In 1973, Barry Diller started a landscape and lawn maintenance company. In 1979, along with his wife Roberta they decided to open a garden center in Shepherdstown Pennsylvania about 5 miles from their home. They continued operating the garden center for approximately 5 years when they decided relocate and restructure their business to a re-wholesale nursery at its current location. Together they started the re-wholesale yard in 1983 on about one acre of land. In 1985, they started their own field production. Since the humble beginnings the nursery has expanded to approximately a 10 acre sales yard consisting of a variety of flowering shrubs, broad leaves, evergreens, perennials, and grasses ranging in size from #1 to large boxes and pre dug B&B materials. Our sales yard also carries a variety of hard goods including tanbark, grass seed, fertilizer, flagstone, screened topsoil, tools, tree stakes, etc. Our field production has expanded to over 100 acres consisting of hollies, shade and flowering trees, evergreens, and dwarf conifers.